I've been thinking for a long time about writing a fan fiction for Superman. In the fanfiction, Superman comes to the realization that he could save more lives if he went into the medical field than he could using his superior strength and speed. By using his x-ray vision, he can quickly and efficiently diagnose people with cancer, blood clots, and all kinds of other things. He would become an expert surgeon, too, knowing exactly where the problem lies and being able to see it clearly. So he goes to medical school.
In the past, I've used fan fictions to fulfill wishes I've had about stories. In the case of Superman, I've come up with all kinds of things he could do that he hasn't done in other Superman stories. Here's a few of them:
1. He could go camping anywhere in Alaska or Yellowstone for as long as he wants and not worry about being eaten by a bear.
2. He could walk all the way across Africa, from the north down to the southern tip, and never worry about being eaten by a lion, gored by a buffalo, or killed by a warlord. Mosquitos couldn't even harm him.
3. He could fly to various moons, planets, and astroids in the solar system to gather samples for scientists. Or he could take video and do other kinds of research that are difficult or impossible for us to do now with our technology and the money it takes to do it.
4. He could perform repairs and upgrades to satelites and space telescopes. He could deliver satelites and telescopes to space for a lot less than what it costs with rockets. And since he's not limited by the rocket equation, engineers would have a lot more flexibility in what they could put into space. They could make an even bigger space telescope. Superman could take it to space and oversee its deployment to make sure everything goes smoothly.
5. He could transport materials and help build a space station on the moon, Mars, or just someplace in earth's orbit. I've always thought it would be cool if we could build spaceships in space. Superman could deliver the materials and supplies.
6. He could provide propulsion for a spaceship to take humans to Mars or wherever. It wouldn't matter how big the spaceship was, either. That means you could cover the spaceship in shielding to protect the astronauts from radiation without having to worry about the added weight. Plus, Superman could get them there faster. He could possibly provide them with artificial gravity by accelerating at a constant rate for half the trip, then decelerating at a constant rate for the rest of the trip. Or he could just spin it.
7. He could find your keys or pretty much anything you've lost using his x-ray vision.
8. He could be a blacksmith or a bladesmith. He could heat the steel up with his laser beam eyes and sculpt the hot steel with his bare hands. He wouldn't need a forge, an anvil, or hammers. He could sculpt hot steel like it was a piece of clay.
There are just all kinds of things Superman could do. He could be a construction worker and elminate the need for cranes or heavy equipment in a lot of cases. He could help build bridges or underground tunnels. There's no reason for Superman to ever be unemployed unless he wants to be.
What would you have Superman do? Or what would you do if you were Superman?
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