Friday, September 15, 2006

House of Yahweh revisited

Well, September 12 has come and gone. Has anybody heard of any nuclear wars breaking out? According to the House of Yahweh, that was supposed to happen by September 12. Any House of Yahweh people out there? Any comments?


  1. Yahweh be praised! He saved us and made it seem as if nothing had happened!
    What do you mean I'm just trying to minimise my cognitive dissonance by ad hoc explanation?

  2. I happen to bump into this scheduling guest for The Narrow Mind. Of course, their home page has now changed.

    They will not respond to my Emails to have someone from this organization as a guest.

  3. So, why the "starting point?" Seems to me you start the clock at a significant event, not at some arbitrary point prior to the fireworks. I'd be far more impressed if something germane actually happened on that date.

  4. That's a bald faced lie. I've got the news letter right here. Lemme quote a few things. Everything in italics is my emphasis:

    "We must warn the world of nuclear wars that will start no later than September 12, 2006."

    "We are in the last three and a half years of inspired prophecy. Nuclear wars will start, I say start, no later than 9-12-06. Mark that date on your calendar."

    Is there a single nuclear war going on right now?
