Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Conversations with God, part 3

Did God really speak to NDW?

There are a few possibilities about how this book came to be written: (1) God really did talk through Walsch, (2) Walsch believes God was talking through him when it was really him all along, (3) Walsch was knowingly pretending that God was talking through him, or (4) Satan or some other spiritual being besides God was talking through Walsch pretending to be God.

I don't think God or Satan was talking through Walsch, mostly because the book was too full of contradictions, and I would expect God or Satan to be a little more consistent. So either Walsch was deceived or he was deceiving. My impression is that Walsch was intentionally deceiving, and the reason I think that is because a lot of his questions seemed to be no more than set-ups for God to present some information. That is, they didn't seem like genuine questions. For example, God tells Walsch several times in the book that there's no such thing as right and wrong, good and bad, should and shouldn't, or do and don't. Then on page 72, Walsch asks God several questions about why certain things are immoral, like sex. Was Walsch not paying attention, or was this just a setup for what was to come?

Another reason I think Walsch was behind this books is because the one opportunity God had to give any evidence that the book was inspired by her, she turned down. God refused to say whether or not we will see irrevocable and indisputable evidence of extraterrestrial life in our lifetime (p.72). She was quite willing to tell us that there was extraterrestrial life, but she refused to make any future predictions. It seems to me that Walsch was just being careful not to say anything in the book that would be falsifiable.

to be continued...

Part 4


  1. loved your work on CWG. would like to see you have a go at gene edwards divine romance and 100days on a secret place. am going to quote you on a small blog in australia if i may.

  2. Walsh asks why sex is immoral? Odd, because I thought only extramarital sex was immoral.

  3. Well, like a lot of these popular books that rail against Christianity, there are a lot of caricatures and straw men. Christianity being "anti-sex" is just one of them.

    ab truth, you're welcome to quote me. I haven't heard of Gene Edwards' book.

  4. Steve,

    Even if we accept the interpretations you're offering, it still doesn't make Christianity anti-sex. Not even non-Christians would advocate unbridled sex with any and everybody. Just about everybody agrees that you shouldn't have sex with another person's spouse, but that doesn't mean everybody is anti-sex. The difference between Christians and everybody else, then, is just a matter of degree.

    But there's good reason to dispute these interpretations. Regarding "lust for your wife," it's impossible to commit adultery with your own wife by any means, because adultery, by definition, involves having sex with somebody else's spouce, or being married and having sex with somebody other than your spouce.

    Besides that, the interpretations you offer come into conflict with passages like Proverbs 5 where it says rather than embracing the bosom of a loose woman, you should "rejoice in the wife of your youth," and he says, "may her breasts satisfy you always" (Prov 5:18-19) Clearly, then, sex can't be solely for procreation. It is to be enjoyed. Also, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 says that husbands and wives should have sex with each other, basically to safisfy their sexual desires, which protects them from the temptation to get satisfaction elsewhere.

    Christianity isn't anti-sex. It just advocates that sex should be confined to marriage.
