Wednesday, July 20, 2005

How I started making bows

I remember being around the age of 5, tying strings on sticks and shooting other sticks. I remember my brother building a pretty sophisticated bow like this. He put batteries on the handle and wrapped it all up in tin foil. That became our model for a while, and the object was to make a bow such that when you squeeze it, it makes a sound. James was the only one of us to be successful at it.

On the Christmas when I was seven, and James was eight, he got a fiberglass recurve bow, and I got a BB gun. But I really liked that bow, and a few years later, I got one, too. I loved that bow, and I shot it until I was a teenager, and it became too short for me.

My dad was a history buff, and he was especially interested in plains Indians. That also made him interested in traditional archery, and his interest rubbed off on me. I remember we used to have this book called Mystic Warriors of the Plains, and James and I used to spend hours looking at the pictures and reading about how the plains Indians made their weapons. It was all intoxicating.

I always wanted to make a bow, but all I ever had to work with was a pocket knife, and nobody to teach me how to do it. I got in trouble one time, because I cut a branch off my grandmother's dogwood tree to try to make a bow. I butchered one end of it, because I had spent hours cutting it off with my pocket knife. I never did finish that bow. I just became worn out trying to whittle it down enough to get it to bend.

Around the age of 20, my dad gave me a book called America Indian Archery that explained (not very well) some of the processes of making bows. Since then I thought a lot about making bows. The thought crossed my mind many times that maybe I could make a bow out of a board from Home Depot. I had seen some that seemed to be about the right size, and I figured it wouldn't be too much work. But I was too intimidated to try it, and I wasn't sure if you could make a bow out of a board.

Skip ahead several years, and out comes Lord of the Rings. I noticed there were several places on the internet where you could get sword replicas from the movie, so I did a search for Legalas' bow and found a few. Oh, how I wanted to buy a bow! Then I also got interested in English longbows and wanted one of those. I found some pretty cheap ones on eBay and elsewhere made of red oak and came pretty close to buying one.

Last year, I went to Scarborough's Faire, and there was a booth where you could shoot a bow. I had been wanting to shoot a bow for a long time, so I gave it a try. Out of ten arrows, I got two in the bull's eye. I was so excited, I went home, got on the internet, and started looking at pictures of those English longbows. That was the closest I ever came to buying one, but I was too poor.

Then it occured to me that perhaps I could just make one. I started trying to find out if there was any information about making bows on the internet. To my delight, not only was there LOTS of information about it, but I also discovered that you COULD make bows out of boards. Some people were even making them out of red oak boards from Home Depot.

I read a whole lot of web pages about building bows, but I was still intimidated by it. I would have to buy some tools, too. Finally, one day while I was taking my daughter back to her mother's house, something went off in my head. I was GOING to make a bow. After dropping Grace off, I drove straight to Home Depot, bought one of those red oak boards, a file/rasp, a Stanley surform rasp, a rattail file, and a 1 x 2 red oak board 6' long, which is actually 1.5" x 3/4" x 6'.

I went slowly, and after three weeks, I had a functioning bow, though badly tillered. Oh the joy! It was indescribable! I went to Mark's house (a guy in my Bible study), because he said he had some targets I could use, and in his back yard, I shot that bow for the very first time with a cedar arrow my dad had given me over ten years ago. Incredible, crazy joy joy! I was ecstatic!

I only intended to make that one bow because I wanted a bow and was too cheap to buy one. When I started it, I had no intention of making bows for a hobby. I just needed that one. But after the joy I experienced when I finished and shot a bow I made with my own hands, I couldn't stop. I kept making more and more bows. Mostly, I just made red oak board bows in the beginning, but eventually, I broadened my horizons. I made bamboo bows, osage bows, wood laminated bows, and even fiberglass bows. It has been quite the adventure, and there are still things I haven't tried. I LOVE making bows!

Lately, I have been experiencing the same thing with arrows as I once experienced with bows (desire and intimidation), and I feel it is only a matter of time before I make my first set of arrows. I already bought a fletching jig, and I've been cooking up ideas in my head for how to make dowels out of square blanks, and how to make a spine tester.


  1. That was a very interesting post lol. Maybe you can tell more stories sometime.

  2. Great post! So cool to hear how you've been interested in bows since an early age. Can't wait to see pictures of the arrows you make.

  3. I'll keep that in mind, Dale. I have a collection of stories involving a series of unfortunate events with a girl I was interested in while in high school. Those might make good stories. I used to think about writing a book called Shi and I, and it would be a collection of those stories.

  4. They don't involve flatulence, do they?

  5. No, I was much more creative with my humiliation back then.

  6. Oh, I'm not that good, though it's nice of you to say. You should see the bows my friend, Sam, makes. He started about the same time I did, and now look at some of his bows. Now that's talent! He's an artist.

    Lots of things intimidate me, Safiyyah. I'm a wuss.

  7. LOL! It's funny you would say, "You sure that's not you?" When he and I first met on that message board and discovered that we were both named Sam, we both made bows, and we both live in Tyler, I said to him, "Maybe we're the same person!"

  8. Wow, I figured you'd been making bows for years before I found your blog.

    That twin Sam story makes me think of the old Foghorn Leghorn cartoon where he plays hide-and-seek with Egghead, who uses a sliderule to figure out where Foghorn is supposedly hiding. Turns out to be a different place than he actually hid, but the kid finds him there anyway. Foghorn then marches over to the corn bin that he originally hid in, pauses, and says, "No, I better not look. I just might be in there." (audio)
