Wednesday, April 06, 2005

No comment?

I've noticed that I hardly ever get any comments on my blogs anymore. I don't know if that's because nobody is reading them, nobody has anything to say about them, or because I haven't said anything interesting in a while. If there's anything anybody wants me to write about, any question or puzzle you want me to comment on, or anything at all, please say so.


  1. Hey Sam: I've been reading, I just haven't had much time to comment on any blog. I've enjoyed the recent posts, especially the moral relativism.

    No comments isn't necessarily a bad thing. Lots of people tend to lurk. Also, sometimes comments on other blogs come from people the blogger knows in "real life". I know that's how it is on my blog. If you're coming into the whole blog thing, and you've not already made friends with other bloggers or told anybody in "real life" about your blog, well, you're going into it with two strikes against you. If you'd like to see who's actually hitting your blog, you could get the Seo Blog counter

    Hope that helps.

  2. Why thank you, Kelly. That puts everything into perspective for me.

  3. Sam,

    I've also been monitoring, but have also been a bit too busy to comment.

    I enjoyed the pro-life / capital punishment piece.

  4. Thanks Drake. I'll just keep posting, then.

  5. Safiyya, clever girl that you are, there is nothing on my blog you aren't adequate to post on.

    You bring up a good topic for blogging about. I have wondered the same things myself. I'll give my thoughts on it in a blog sometime. Thanks.

  6. Jessie!!! So glad you stopped by! I will certainly do some posts on my pro-life views. Thanks for the suggestion.
